El Portero (2000)

While driving his truck, late one night, through a desolate road, Forteza, an former star soccer goalie for Real Madrid, stops when he sees a wounded man in the middle of the highway.
He takes the man to a nearby town. The man is part of a group of rebels still fighting the Civil war, against Franco, even though the actual war is over.
Forteza, who has an injured arm, makes a living by challenging locals to take shots on goal on him. he meets Manuela, who is a sister of the man he helped. Manuela has a child, Tito, who is black.
The local Civil Guards recruit Forteza to goalie in a money soccer shoot out they are going to have with the local townsmen.
Forteza doesn't let anything by even with his sore arm and hip. In the middle of the match the rebels come down on the beach, guns pointed, and one of them wants to take a shot. The rebel, Manuela's brother makes the goal on the injured goalie. Forteza then pulls it together to block that guardsman's shot. He then blocks the rebel's shot.
The guardsman has one last shot, but the Tito, Manuela and the townspeople line up in goal with Forteza,
A strange ending to an interesting little film, which is as much fable and comedy as it is drama.

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